
About Clear Quartz Crystal Feet for OM and Otto Tuners

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There are 3 sizes of crystal feet that can be attached to BioSonic Otto tuning forks. Each is rounded to create a softer flowing interface that can be placed on acupuncture points, trigger points, reflex points, and bones and/or easily drawn along, facia, meridian lines, and energy vectors.

The 7mm crystal foot is used for small point stimulation. It is an excellent crystal for stimulating ear acupuncture points as well as body acupuncture points.

The 15mm crystal, due to its intermediate size, can be modified to stimulate all points. It is especially good on bones, trigger points and foot and hand reflex points.

The 25mm crystal, due to its larger size, when pressed to a point will create a larger vibrational effect. This is especially good for colon points and lower back or for general use in a larger area of the body, i.e., pressing to larger muscle groups.

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John Beaulieu Explains Usage of Crystal Feet

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BioSonic Otto128™ tuning fork with 15mm Clear Quartz foot attached to its stem

A crystal foot attached to the stem of a BioSonic Otto tuning fork creates a crystal interface that works in resonance with the vibrations of the tuning fork. When a BioSonic Otto tuning fork is tapped the weights attached to its prongs are designed to create a strong vibration at its stem. The vibrational compression and decompression of crystal foot creates a piezoelectric light frequency that resonates with the frequency of healthy bone and connective tissues. Piezo means pressure electricity. For example, when two crystals are rubbed together or shaken their silicon oxygen bonds break and piezoelectric energy is released as a visible light called triboluminescence.

Two crystals being rubbed together to create triboluminescence light

When a crystal foot is pressed to points on the body, i.e., acupuncture points, trigger points, reflex points, and joints, the crystalline tissue lattice of bones and connective tissue compresses and decompress in sympathetic resonance with the frequency of the tuning fork setting in motion a measurable whole-body resonance. To better understand this imagine pressing a tuning fork to a wooden tabletop. When the tuning fork contacts the tabletop, the whole tabletop hums in resonance with the sound of the tuning fork. When different frequencies are conducted through our body our bones resonate like the sounding board of a piano, our connective tissue system vibrates, and our liquid systems dance in crystalline patterns resonate with the vibration. Water, which makes up over 65% of our body weight, can structure itself into liquid crystal forms that resonate with sound waves passing through our body. French immunologist, Dr. Jacques Benveniste, uses the crystalline properties of water to digitize, transmit, and reinsert information from one water sample to another.

Based on current research is speculated that nitric oxide (NO) is interconnected with our body’s crystal matrix system. A compromise in the NO cycle, termed NO flatlining, is indicated in Heart Disease, Parkinson, Alzheimer, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), depression, and cancer. When nitric oxide is released, scientists hypothesize that it forms into a special grouping called S-nitrosylation. It is believed that S-nitrosylation is an ancient NO signalling system evolved, like crystals, from primordial Earth. The continual release of NO, called puffing, is the basis of well-being, health, and longevity. Research suggests that NO flatlining and mitochondrial degradation are related. S-nitrosylation, a nitric oxide signalling group, regulates and repairs mitochondria to maintain NO puffing. Research also suggests that NO, which is a highly reactive gas, can ignite and create light. For example, research on how a firefly emits a light reveals that a firefly fills its lantern with nitric oxide gas which is ignited by a spark created in their cell mitochondria.

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